Our Mission
Our mission is to revitalize local agriculture. We source resources for farmers, their families & the community in support of the development of innovative, sustainable & ecologically safe farming techniques helping to both preserve and grow the agricultural roots of Boulder County, Colorado USA
Our Work, Our Goals, Your Help

our farmers' work
Farming activity in Boulder County, Colorado includes:
Outside agricultural endeavors such as grazing and raising livestock, growing, harvesting, and selling of agricultural food or horticultural products including their harvest’s storage.
Inside agricultural activities developing and managing agricultural storage facilities, greenhouses, and indoor animal breeding, boarding and riding facilities.
Farm locations for demonstrating, evaluating and teaching agricultural practices, technologies and innovations helping to increase public awareness of farming business.
Selling agricultural and horticultural products to public via farm stand, farmers’ markets, and Community Supported Agricultural (CSA) shares.
Hosting venues on farms such as educational tours, weddings, farm to table dinners and socializing
Selling all manner of tools and services farmers need for successful growing.

our work
Farmers, primary stewards of the land, are key to sustaining and improving the environmental and economic vitality of our community. They are suppliers of locally grown, fresh food and storing produce and grains, breeding and raising livestock and more with a dedication to improving growing techniques to increase yield utilizing best innovations and practices.
Big or small farms, no matter. The more we purchase from the farmers close to home, the less dependent we are on utilizing fossil fuels for shipping, the more we secure our food sources, eliminate unnecessary food waste, guarantee access to healthy foods for all and insure best environmental practices are enforced to maintain a high quality of air, water and soil.
Grow Your Own Meal is dedicated to support farmers’ access to resources necessary to maintain a thriving farming operation. Over the coming months, we will be unveiling our current project in development to meet and exceed our mission. Please visit again often to see what, where, when and how we will deliver on our mission’s promis

your call to action
Community commitment to serve in any capacity possible is key to the success of our mission helping farmers of all ages and expertise attain their goals of a successful, healthy harvest.
Once we identify and develop a blueprint for community consensus and involvement, we will publish the myriad of ways you can both support and benefit from our work in helping the farmer and his family reach their goals for growing.
We are grateful for constructive contributions of any and all who in understanding “No Farms, No Food” feel moved to participate especially in spreading the ‘good news’ of Grow Your Own Meal.